Near Death Experience


February 21, 2017 - CHICAGO, ILLINOIS - Poems While You Wait's finest, Eric Plattner and Logan Breitbart, have warrants issued for their arrest after causing a civil disturbance during a poetry reading this past Thursday at the sharply partitioned Poetry Foundation.

"It was like nothing I've ever seen," an unsuspecting viewer reported to, "And I've seen a man eat the length of his limbs in Subway sandwiches."

Viewers of the poetry reading are irate and filled with vengeance, steadily calling attorneys with easily memorized phone numbers.

Near Death Experience side 1

Near Death Experience side 1


The dynamic duo released a collaborative renegade pamphlet of poems titled "NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE" which tallied the crowd's marrow count with an Enkidu-channeling heavy metal sweetness. 

The reading concluded with an impromptu civil disturbance wherein contraband was distributed on the steps of a nearby church.

Security guards found evidence of counterfeit Oreos and are in the process of testing fun size Twix and Kit-Kat's to determine the scale of the unlisenced candy distribution operation.

"I won't tolerate this contraband on my watch.  I'm calling my boss" The security guard said before calling his boss. will keep you updated on this developing story.


Near Death Experience side 2

Near Death Experience side 2

I Just Watched XXX and it was Awesome

I Just Watched XXX and it was Awesome


he jumped barns

he jumped avalanches

he jumped jumps

I kept throwing up and crying at the same time because it was so awesome

too awesome

I feel empty now

I feel like dying

I can't ride dirtbikes like him

I can't do that cool sideways thing over a gully

he is an asshole

I am an asshole

there is no reason here

only illusions


- Derek Keisgen


This poem is important to me.  Here's why:

  1. It is written clearly and plainly
  2. It allows for the simultaneous existence of beauty and vulgarity towards media
  3. It is reverential and critical in respectful ways

This past Friday I went to see XXX: The Return of Xander Cage.  When the movie ended, people stood up and clapped.

Those are the people who I write poems for.

Thank you, Derek Keisgen.

Derek Keisgen's band, Bear vs. Shark (Michigan's finest) is below.

2016 Creativity in Review

Here's what I accomplished creatively in 2016, organized by poetry, comics, and rejection:


I try to write one "good" poem a month.  This year I wrote 10 poems that are currently in my next manuscript. None have been published yet. Here are the titles:

  • In-Line
  • Frontage Road Song
  • Plane Song
  • Expressway Country Song
  • Perhaps Loons
  • Still Waters
  • Waverace Freestyle
  • Beaver
  • Aspire
  • Deer Before They Bolt

I did a handful of poetry readings this year which was very necessary - I hadn't read in Chicago in almost 3 years.

I attended five Poems While You Wait events, a number that I hope is higher in 2017.  

Poems While You Wait celebrated our 5 Year Anniversary and we released Poems While You Wait, Live @ 5, an Antholozine, a book that collects our work over the years.


BEEF JAMS was picked up and published by VICE Comics. 

With co-writer Marc Koprinarov I wrote 26 new pages of an unannounced Beef Jams project that will be released in 2017. The highlight of this project was running the editorial for the comic and PAYING ARTISTS THAT I LOVE to draw my characters.

With artist Amancay Nahuelpan (YOUNG TERRORISTS, CLANDESTINO) I co-created an unannounced comic project that is currently being colored.

I also developed two other separate comics projects and my goal is to have artists secured for them by end of March 2017.  

It was a great comics year for me that sets the stage nicely for 2017 and beyond.


I wrote an essay about James Dickey as a Salesman and what poets can learn from his sales skills. I learned that poets have absolutely zero interest in learning from salespeople. So, you know, that's great considering that's exactly what I am.

I wrote a poem about Derrick Rose when he was traded to the Knicks and shopped it around. No one liked it and with hindsight I can see why - it reads like a pop-punk emo ballad.

I had a nice conversation with The New Yorker about my poetry but they opted to pass on it. That's happened to me twice now with them, but hey, I think it's an accomplishment in itself.


This year will be one of my most visible years as an artist.  There's so much planned that I can't even announce or tease yet related to both comics and poetry.  The big plans of 2017 are partly why this website now exists.

Peace out, 2016